Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sailing Days 6-7: Jost Van Dyke to Tortola

The last few days on the boat were very purposeful. We woke on day 6 with the plan to get to Little Jost and then over to big Jost Van Dyke. Along the way, we were lucky enough to find dolphins swimming among our front pontoons! Eric had his camera at the ready to capture them.
Once we arrived at little Jost, we went on our last quest for a "ball." This is a large balloon like thing we can attach the boat to in a very secure manner. Eric and Mike were the lookouts.
Once we were all hooked up, we took a hike to the "bubbly pool" - a natural tide pool that channeled water through to a small swimming hole. The pool was quite crowded the day we were there, which made it tough to really ride the gauntlet. Still, it was cool to sit in the natural bubbles as the waves came crashing in.

On the hike back to the boat, Mom walked into a stump wearing only her flip flops and broke her little toe! We tried to bandage it up, but had run out of ice at that point. Best we could do was make her a drink and enjoy our last night on the boat.

As Mom rested, Mike and I went for one last kayak around to see if we could see the harbor at big Jost.

Because it was late in the day, we didn't think we could get a ball, so we stayed where we were for the night. We did family pictures looking across the inlet between big and little Jost.

The next day, we sailed back to Tortola to drop off the boat. We arrived in Road Town to end the trip on Blue Water Bound. We said our goodbyes to the family and Mike and I traveled to the Long Bay resort. It was a beautiful place, with well manicured lawns, inviting beaches and rum punch where ever you looked. :)

We spent time on our veranda, overlooking the resort, sipping rum punch and repacking for our trip back to St. Thomas and then to back to Boston. It was the best way to end our vacation...together, relaxing, and among breathtaking scenery.

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