Saturday, January 31, 2009
O Deer!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
USVI Christmas
There was so much to see and so many beautiful shots, it's going to take a while to get them all up on the blog. Please be patient as I work to get things in order! Look for more posts further down - I'm working to tell the story in order, so I'm backdating new posts to keep the week straight.
Christmas 2008 was very special. On Christmas Eve, Mike and I spent the day traveling to St Thomas in the US Virgin Islands. It was a long day, including flight cancellations, rerouting, lost luggage and a random taxi drive in the middle of it all. We arrived at our condo around 11:30 pm; we didn't see Santa in the sky with us as we flew from Florida (and we were watching for him!) and we quickly fell asleep in case he was nearby.
On Christmas morning, we woke up in a warm, tropical the sound of roosters and chickens. Not an ideal wake up call, but one that got us up and ready to start our vacation. Mikey made a delicious breakfast of coffee, bacon and eggs (all found in the fridge) and I brought some Swedish cardamom buns as is tradition in the Johnson Family.
As we traveled along the path, we saw a few more bathing by the salt pond:
Although they are professionally cared for and many signs asked guests not to feed them, one of them must have thought it was feeding time because he came right toward me! Yes, cameras have zoom, but this was not a close up!
They really were beautiful lizards!
After our little hike around the compound, we decided to make our way towards town and the airport - partly for sightseeing, partly to fetch our bags. Along the way, we stopped in Red Hook to see the marina and the shops there - many were closed for the holiday, but still beautiful.
Once we got to town, picked up luggage, yada yada yada...we enjoyed some time on Sapphire beach.
Our next few days on island were momentous - between the dollah ($) bus, Mike's mountain-side cactus hike and dodging the crowds from the cruise ship, we were ready to move on to the next islands. As we packed up to leave, we found we had a visitor in our bedroom! Should have closed the window a bit tighter! We got a few shots of our little gecko friend before we scooted him out the window from whence he came. We enjoyed our last dinner on St Thomas at "home" in the condo. The breezeway/patio offered a perfect place to enjoy our "fins" (salmon for Amy) and "feet" (steak for Mike).
More on our trip to the British Virgin Islands in the next installment!
Sailing Days 1-2: Tortola, Norman and Cooper Islands
Dec 27: We ferried from St Thomas to West End, Tortola to begin our week long sailing adventure. It was a gorgeous morning with the sun shining through the clouds.

Dec 28: We woke early with a plan to get to Cooper Island so my brother and Dad could make their scuba excursion. It was a windy day - good for sailing, but with choppy seas it made me a little queasy. The sails were up in full force making for a really cool site -
The beach was a bit rocky, and provided a great resting place for a number of pelicans (one seen here). There were many fish and oceanic creatures in the waters around us and it was fascinating to watch the pelicans hunt and dive for their food. They were mostly successful while we watched from the safety of the boat.

Sailing Days 3-4: Virgin Gorda & Anegada

Looking back, we could see how Virgin Gorda got its nickname as the "Pregnant" island - can you see the outline of a lady lying in the water? We debated whether her head was to the right or left (we think right) - but who can be sure?
Looking ahead, we tried to make out Anegada. It is so flat and unlike many of the other islands that you really had to strain to see it. Basically, we were looking for trees in the middle of the water. Crazy...but doable!
We navigated into the shallow channel and found our spot outside Neptunes Treasure - the restaraunt where we had reservations for New Years Eve dinner.
Once we got anchored, it was again time to explore by land. We all piled into the digy, Dad as our chaufeur and Mom as the on-board photographer as we went ashore to see what there was to see.
Mike and I headed off to the left while Eric and Holly went right (to the bar!). We walked the road to Pomato Point, hoping to catch a glimpse of the flamingos on Flamingo Pond. Unfortunately, no pink birds, but the beach was incredible.
Along the walk, I found a home with the perfect relaxation spot - outdoor bar, hammock and palm trees all just overlooking the waters. You might even put a massage table out there...Gorgeous!
We headed back toward "town" which was a couple of restaurants and the Anegada Reef Hotel. This was a shot of the excitement from just down the beach...
Along the way to "town" we stopped for an obligatory shot climbing a coconut tree - there were little steps on it and everything! Unfortunately the steps were a little wobbly so we never actually reached our coconut. I think they might have planned it that way...
We found Eric & Holly and stopped at a colorful bar for some afternoon cocktails. Behind us were a group of guys from the midwest - Indiana, Michigan and Ohio...I guess you never really are that far from home! Also in the white tanktop was our favorite bartender, Sam, who entertained us thoroughly with his rendition of Please Don't Go Girl by NKOTB. Island men singing New THATS entertainment!
We got the dingy back to the boat for some stunning shots of the sunset - and us in front of it...
So ends another day in the Caribbean!