We are still realing a bit from last weekend's Super Bowl loss. The weather here has been rainy, snowy and snizzly (a new weather term for snow and drizzle I guess) ever since the Pats lost. On the bright side, the Red Sox truck was packed yesterday and is en route to City of Palms Park for Spring Training. Pitchers anc catchers report Thursday so we have something to look forward to.
In other news, we've settled into quite a routine here in the new hood. Sox gets his morning and evening walk and is particularly loving any time he can spend outside with the neighbor's goofy dog, Albus. He loves the snow and is happy the ground is covered again with the white stuff to pounce and play in. We're planning our second "project" which is to fix the office and the downstairs 1/2 bath. The office will require some severe spackle and skim coating before a fresh coat of paint (color still TBD). The bath will be an adventure when we determine just what is hiding beneath the wallpaper on the ceiling (yes, you read that right). I've got all the accessories to have an ocean themed bath, just need to get rid of that fruity/nutty wallpaper!
School is keeping my very busy as classes require a lot of outside attention. I'm getting a bit of a case of senioritis knowing that I'm in my last 10 months, but must keep up the motivation. Gets tough sometimes, but I'm pulling through. Mike has been having some challenges at work with the slowing economy, but in the past 10 days has pulled out more sales that all last month. Maybe this recession isn't as bad as it sounds on tv.
We should be FINALLY getting our wedding album in the mail this week. Just in time for Valentine's (aww). I'm excited to see the images again in all their formality. Just need to find a prominent location to show it off! :)
Make sure to give the one's you love an extra squeeze on Thursday - although Hallmark is in the business of making us feel guilty, it's a good time to outwardly remind people you care about them. In that vein, here's a big hug to our friends/family who check in with us on blogspot!

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