The first weekend was a celebration in our town. There was a parade with floats and everything, one of which was from a group I'm involved was a pirate ship and it won first prize! I think it looked great - although you can see I'm on the sidelines taking the photo. It was a family thing and I felt it would look odd if I was the only one on without kids. (DOH!)
As part of the pirate theme, bandanas were being passed out to folks, and I picked one up for Sox. It turned into his halloween costume, but he did take some chunks out of it before the end of the month. He's such a good sport to wear "clothes." Though you can see from his expression, he's thinking, "What does she think she's doing making me wear this thing..." Sometimes he's so serious!
Mid-month, I went to Chicago for a training and stayed at the old homestead in Granger visiting the fam. It was a gorgeous weekend; a record high of 84 was set. Wouldn't you know that I didn't pack for such warm weather...who above the Mason-Dixon line expects 84 in mid-October? Anywho, we had a beautiful road trip up to a town on Lake Michigan...I forget which one...but it was so neat to see all the boats out on the water. It almost felt like the coast. We watched a lot of Red Sox games and discussed plans for our family vaca to the British Virgin Islands. Can't wait for that one.
Since I live my life project-to-project (or so it seems), when at home, Mom and I collaborated on making drapes for our new dining room. Luckily JoAnne's was having a 50% off sale and we found the perfect grey silk with a lavender pattern on it. Together, we banged out 2 panels and a valance (turned runner) on a Saturday afternoon. They came out awesome and are just in final hemming mode now. They really make the room look luxurious. Again - who's coming to dinner!?
Then came Halloween. So exciting to host trick-or-treaters for the first time! The weekend before, I had gotten that cobwebby stuff to put on the shrubs - Mikey came home and announced, "We have spooky shrubs!" Too funny. We got two big bags of candy and carved out a quick jack-o-lantern Friday night and waited for the door to ring. We had more than 50 kids, which was great...some amazing costumes; others were...well let's just say short on creativity. I had received a pumpkin hat as a present, which I wore as a kind of costume. The kids called me that good or bad? Either way, we had fun and got rid of *most* of the candy.