I have been missin my daddy, who has been working very hard and coming home way after dark. Momma and I play after she comes home, sometimes going to the dog park, sometimes playing at home. But most nights, after dinner, I wait patiently at the front door for my Daddy:
When Daddy is home, he's often working around the house (Mom can tell you more about that later). But I like just spending time with him. When he mows the yard, I usually watch, although that big red thing

is a little scary. It tears up all my sticks - I DON'T like that.
I still love to play soccer ball in the yard and have really perfected my Goalie skills. It's rare for a ball to get by me. If anyone wants to practice, I'm happy to play.
I have had a few sleepovers with friends. Taylor and Ceder came to visit and we had a great time in the park together. We went swimming and played fetch and everyting. Mom said we looked like a three-headed stick tugging together. What do you think?

We also played at the house. I especially liked tugging with them with my ruff-toy, although it was hard to coordinate with the three of us.

For Labor day I got to spend the weekend at my cousin Mocha's house while Mom & Dad went to Cape Cod. We had a lot of fun and Uncle Jimmy is very good to me. I would like to stay there again sometime.
Then, just when I thought things were getting back to normal, my other cousin, Dylan the pug, came to stay with us. His family was going to DC to participate in a tee-ball game at the White House! I was a little unsure of having another dog around for so long, but we got along great. He doesn't like to tug as much as me, so mostly we just lounged around together.

That's about all I've been up to! If any of you want to come and play with me, I'm happy to lick you and wag my strong puppy tail in your general direction. I'll let Momma have the computer back now...