After a good months worth of work, our dining room is finally ready to see some ACTION! Check out the finished duds - then I'll tell the story (and pictures) of what it took to get here...

First, let me remind you what we started with - sheesh, this was REALLY bad. I mean this was when we *first* moved in so there are boxes everywhere, but this gives you a sense of the tiled mirrored wall (along the back) the loud wallpaper and the green carpet. What WERE they thinking??

We took down the tiled mirrors (anyone need any?? I've got about 60 x 12" square mirrors that didn't break!), scraped the wallpaper away, and got to the underbelly of the walls. It wasn't much prettier I tell ya!

The walls were skim coated with spackle (two layers I think!), sanded, and then we were ready for the big decision - color! I had gotten a few paint samples from Benjamin Moore so before we went any further, here's what it looked like: we had Polar Sky, Porcelein and Georgetown Pink Beige

the blue looked like a baby boys room, and the "pink beige" turned out more orange. We both liked the porcelien purple, so that's what we picked!
Next we went to furniture. We had been given an antique set by some generous friends, but some of the wood had been stripped. Without the time to seal it, we decided to oil it with some orange oil to bring back some shine. We did it peice by piece in the living room - I had a flashback to dusting the dining room as a child. Wow, how things come full circle.

Once the color went on the walls, we were in good shape and it was just a matter of cleaning up.

And now - Voila! A dining room fit for...well... US! Reservations at chez johnahue now being accepted - weekends only please. :)