October is already gone, and I can't beleive it. I'm thinking back over what happened...it's not that we didn't do anything, it's just that we didn't write about it! We experienced the beauty of New England foliage, but more in the moment (sorry, no pictures). Leaves are still falling off the trees and we'll have rake again soon. But I digress - back to October! I'll take it week by week so you don't feel left out. :)
The first weekend was a celebration in our town. There was a parade with floats and everything, one of which was from a group I'm involved in...it was a pirate ship and it won first prize! I think it looked great - although you can see I'm on the sidelines taking the photo. It was a family thing and I felt it would look odd if I was the only one on without kids. (DOH!)

As part of the pirate theme, bandanas were being passed out to folks, and I picked one up for Sox. It turned into his halloween costume, but he did take some chunks out of it before the end of the month. He's such a good sport to wear "clothes." Though you can see from his expression, he's thinking, "What does she think she's doing making me wear this thing..." Sometimes he's so serious!

Mid-month, I went to Chicago for a training and stayed at the old homestead in Granger visiting the fam. It was a gorgeous weekend; a record high of 84 was set. Wouldn't you know that I didn't pack for such warm weather...who above the Mason-Dixon line expects 84 in mid-October? Anywho, we had a beautiful road trip up to a town on Lake Michigan...I forget which one...but it was so neat to see all the boats out on the water. It almost felt like the coast. We watched a lot of Red Sox games and discussed plans for our family vaca to the British Virgin Islands. Can't wait for that one.
Since I live my life project-to-project (or so it seems), when at home, Mom and I collaborated on making drapes for our new dining room. Luckily JoAnne's was having a 50% off sale and we found the perfect grey silk with a lavender pattern on it. Together, we banged out 2 panels and a valance (turned runner) on a Saturday afternoon. They came out awesome and are just in final hemming mode now. They really make the room look luxurious. Again - who's coming to dinner!?

The third week was a blur, as Mike was sick and I was readying for my last mid-terms...EVER! It was not pretty around here...I think we were both just wading thru waiting for the storm to blow over. Luckily it has. (and a side note the midterm grades were very favorable)
Then came Halloween. So exciting to host trick-or-treaters for the first time! The weekend before, I had gotten that cobwebby stuff to put on the shrubs - Mikey came home and announced, "We have spooky shrubs!" Too funny. We got two big bags of candy and carved out a quick jack-o-lantern Friday night and waited for the door to ring. We had more than 50 kids, which was great...some amazing costumes; others were...well let's just say short on creativity. I had received a pumpkin hat as a present, which I wore as a kind of costume. The kids called me pumpkin-head...is that good or bad? Either way, we had fun and got rid of *most* of the candy.

The jack-o-lantern was supposed to match my hat...can you tell? I did it in like 20 minutes...

Hopefully November will bring more adventures!